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Welcome to Antara

A n t a r a  is a young social venture which aims to teach children science and related social issues like hygiene and global warming through haptic, kinesthetic and visual learning, we plan to leverage new technologies such as 3D printing to help achieve our goals

About Us

What We Do

Science Education in India has been severely restricted to Audio Visual learning and do not take into account the intuitive aspects of teaching, we believe this happens due to lack of resources, time and interest.


Antara aims to overcome these issues to bring a more exciting and feasible approach to teaching science. By using cost-effective yet intuitive 3D printed models we aim to teach science topics through haptic, kinesthetic and visual learning techniques to cater to all kinds of learners with minimum intervention from their teachers.


Staying true to our vision of teaching all kinds of learners, we also aim to teach the less privileged students by providing them these models at no cost. 

Sustainable Development 

Despite being a relatively young venture we plan to incorporate sustainability in both our vision and process right from the start. 


  • We are committed to using sustainable materials wherever possible and develop our products with sustainability right in the forefront. 

  • The aim of Equal Education is embedded right into our business model with majority of our proceeds promised towards the goal of educating children of all socio-economic classes. 

  • We are aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals and aim to do our part in "Making the world a better place". 


About the founder

Ishan Bahalkar is currently pursuing an undergraduate course in Mechatronics Engineering from NMIMS University - Mumbai along with studying for an Honors in Automation. He has aspirations to travel the globe with an interest to connect and empower people, desiring to make a change on a global scale. He is a persistently inquisitive and ambitious innovator with an eye for uniqueness and the determination to push the boundaries.


He aims to work in the sector of Technology and Automobile with the objective of opening a Tech Startup in the near future. Sustainability has sought prominence in every decision made, he attempts to make a sincere effort to change the world: to make it a smarter, amicable and a responsible place to live in.




Thakur Village, Kandivali East, 

Mumbai, Maharashtra 400101

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+91 - 9967589350

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